American Health Planning Association © 1996 - 2025
News Articles and Studies

Older News Articles
Studies, Reports & Tools
- Tool Helps Hospitals Plan for Critical Care Surges During COVID-19 (RevCycle)
- The American Journal of Managed Care® Examines How Chronic Hepatitis C and Its Treatment Affect Medicaid Costs (Business Wire)
- Suicide's Link to Nursing Homes, Long-Term Care (USNews)
- Hospital Discharge Algorithm Saves $860 Per Patient Episode and Reduces Readmissions, According to New Data from Remedy Labs (Businesswire)
- Dartmouth study reveals how ACOs use home visits to improve care and reduce hospital use (MedExpress)
- Mortality Lower When Inpatients See Their Own PCP in Hospital (Beckers)
- Study: For Inpatients, Primary Care Docs Outperform Hospitalists – A closer look at data showing lower mortality when patients cared for by their own PCPs (MedPage Today)
- FRG report highlights hospital’s failures, Some board members say budget cuts not enough (OAOA)
- Yale: Collaboration of Health Care and Social Services May Decrease Medical Costs and Visits (ASPPH)
- Study reveals high healthcare costs linked with acute kidney injury (EurekAlert)
- Heroin hospital discharges surpass those due to prescription opioids, Stanford study says (Stanford Med Scope)
- 2017 Employer Health Benefits Survey (KFF)
- Major teaching hospitals produce lower mortality rates than non-teaching hospitals (Fierce Health)
- Summary Article on Study Results (JAMA)
- New AHA Report Finds Hospital Outpatient Revenue Nearing Inpatient Revenue, While CMS Proposes Paying Less for In-hospital Healthcare Services (DarkDaily)
- Teaching Hospitals Aren’t More Expensive Than Non-Teaching Peers (RevCycle)
Study:Comparison of Costs of Care for Medicare Patients Hospitalized in Teaching and Nonteaching Hospitals (JAMA)
- FDA Approves Three Immunotherapy Drugs for Patients with Bladder Cancer (NIH)
- Surgery won’t help degenerative knee problems, experts say (Reuters)
- Full Text of Study Article (BMJ)
- GAO: Private Health Insurance Enrollment Remains Concentrated Among Few Issuers, including in Exchanges (GAO Report)
- Care shifts from physician offices to outpatient settings and costs go up, HCCI study finds (Fierce Health)
- American Hospital Association Rejects Findings of New Health Affairs Hospital Pricing Study (Lexology)
- Novant Health applies again for hospital in North Carolina county (Beckers)
- Scrutiny of nursing home corporate ownership fires up again on multiple fronts (McKnights)
- Owners of nearly half of Indiana’s nursing homes sued over refusal to share financial information (Mcknights)
- Hospices Have Become Big Business for Private Equity Firms, Raising Concerns About End-of-Life Care (KHN)
- Highest healthcare spending and highest burden for most, an increase in spending per case was associated with an increase in disability-adjusted life-years averted per case (RevCycle)
- Study: Health Care Spending Effectiveness: Estimates Suggest That Spending Improved US Health From 1996 To 2016 (Health Affairs)AI predicts demand for hospital beds for patients coming through emergency department (Medcial Xpress)
- National database for showing nursing home ownership has gaps, report says (Axios)
- How Can We Improve the Hospital Discharge Process?(Medpage)
- New rural hospital model draws interest — and questions (Crains)
- Buy and Bust: Collapse of Private Equity-Backed Rural Hospitals Mired Employees in Medical Bills (KHN)
- Colorado's new hospital price transparency law adds 'real teeth' to weak federal enforcement, experts say (Fierce Health)
- New Medicaid study: Expanding insurance coverage for adults also helps enroll children (EurekaAlert!)
- Nursing home operator American Senior Communities to pay $5.5 million over Medicare fraud (Indianapolis Star)
- Two western Pennsylvania health care facilities indicted in health care fraud case (MSN)
- Why insurers are weighing double-digit ACA premium hikes for 2023 (Fierce Health)
- Report: These are the factors impacting individual, small group premiums in 2023 (Fierce Health)
- Streamlining eligibility and enrollment processes, such as ex parte renewals, could help seniors and people with disabilities maintain Medicaid coverage after the public health emergency ends (Health Payer)
- Annual Report of the Departments of Health and Human Services and Justice: Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program (OIG)
- Marketplace insurers denied 18% of in-network claims in 2020, data shows (HealthCareDive)
- Report:Claims Denials and Appeals in ACA Marketplace Plans in 2020 (KFF)
- How Much Health Insurers Pay for Almost Everything Is About to Go Public (KHN)
- Hospitals with more nursing home beds nearby readmit fewer patients: study (McKnights)
- Examination of Potential Industry Conflicts of Interest and Disclosures by Contributors to Online Medical Resource Databases (JAMA NO)
- Amazon Care is shutting down at the end of 2022. Here's why (Fierce Health) Amazon’s Health Care Ambitions (Washington Monthly)
- High use of telemental health services by patients with serious mental illness (SMI) who live in nonmetropolitan US counties is associated with improvements in key outcomes (Medscape)
- CMS insurer price transparency rule has taken effect. Signs are good for compliance (HealthCareDive)
- Opinion: The Fatal Flaw in Hospital Price Transparency Rules (Medpage)
- Hospital Price Transparency Higher in Less Competitive Markets (RecCycle)
- ED Visits, Hospitalizations 22% Higher Among Cannabis Users (AJMC)
- How Pfizer Won the Pandemic, Reaping Outsize Profit and Influence (KHN)
- Mid-Missouri hospital closures raise concerns about private equity in healthcare (KBIA)
- US Supreme Court Rebuffs UnitedHealth Group Challenge on Medicare Overpayments (Medscape/Reuters)
- FTC notches another antitrust win as HCA Healthcare, Steward Health Care call off 5-hospital sale (Fierce Health)
- Medicare, Beneficiaries Saw Higher Prices at Provider-Based Facilities (Rev Cycle)
- Opinion: Did performance-based nursing home payments meet their match with COVID? (The Hill)
- Inpatient volume expected to grow 2% in 10 years, SG2 report says (ACDIS)
- Kentucky region’s hospital emergency rooms are dealing with an influx of teens seeking mental health treatment (Northern Kentucky Tribune)
- George Washington University has sold its 20 percent minority interest of George Washington University Hospital to Universal Health Services, making the health system the sole owner of the hospital. (Beckers)
- CMS extends annual postpartum Medicaid, CHIP coverage to 4 states (Fierce Health)
- Study: High cost of cancer care in the U.S. doesn’t reduce mortality rates (EurekaAlert!)
- Pediatric suicide attempts by poisoning on the rise, study says (The Hill)
- In Minneapolis, a mobile van rolls out with health care outreach to kids (Star Tribune)
- Hospital Prices 224% Higher for Private Payers than Medicare (Rev Cycle)
- Concerning Spike in Barrett's Esophagus, Esophageal Cancer in Middle-Age Adults (MedPage Today)
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center is 1st in (D.C.) region to perform robotic heart surgery (WTOP)
- South Carolina's certificate-of-need reform legislation dies (Becker’s)
- South Carolina hospitals pushing for reform on certificate of need process (WBTW)
- Up to 14M enrollees could lose Medicaid coverage as states restart eligibility checks (Fierce Health)
- U.S. Supreme Court to weigh private lawsuits over federal nursing home rules (Reuters)
- States pay close attention as Massachusetts blocks hospital expansions to control health care costs (MSN/Kaiser)
- California Handed Its Medicaid Drug Program to One Company. Then Came a Corporate Takeover (KHN)
- New study raises questions about when telehealth is best used as a substitute for in-person mental health care and when telehealth is best used to complement in-person care (Helalth Leaders)
- When The Public Health Emergency Ends: What Will It Mean For Dually Eligible Individuals? (Health Affairs)
- Nearly 80% of patients with infection following cardiac implant not treated appropriately: study (MedTecDive)
- The misalignment of telehealth policy and funding versus who actually uses it is epic (The Hill)
- Coronavirus Healthcare Spending Dwindles, Threatening Health Equity (RevCycle)
- Health and Health Care for Women of Reproductive Age -How the United States Compares with Other High-Income Countries (Commonwealth Fund)
- Researchers found significant variation in hospital prices paid by commercial health plans, with some hospital regions seeing price increases while others in the same state saw decreases (RevCycle)
- Downsized City Sees Its Health Care Downsized as Hospital Awaits Demolition (KHN)
- Transitional care practice helps reduce healthcare costs (NewsMedical)
- Association Between Hospital Private Equity Acquisition and Outcomes of Acute Medical Conditions Among Medicare Beneficiaries (Jama Network)
- FAH Requests Hospital Merger Guideline Consistency from DOJ, FTC (RevCycle)
- Three patient deaths, and many others in misery, prompts $250,000 in fines at 5 Mass. nursing homes (Boston Globe)
- CMS Office of the Actuary Releases 2021-2030 Projections of National Health Expenditures (CMS)
- Doctor fired from ER warns about effect of for-profit firms in U.S. Health care (Health Leaders)
- Hospitals are supposed to direct 340B revenue and savings toward healthcare services for low-income and uninsured patients, but Massachusetts health systems saw low levels of charity care in 2020 (RevCycle)
- Impact of coronavirus pandemic accelerated national health spending growth to 9.7% in 2020 (HealthLeaders)
- Rural Hospital Administrators’ Beliefs About Safety, Financial Viability, and Community Need for Offering Obstetric Care (JAMA Open Network)
- Tobacco Surcharge May Limit Affordable Care Act Enrollment (HealthPayer)
- Seeking to Shift Costs to Medicare, More Employers Move Retirees to Advantage Plans (KHN)
- Health policy experts agree that California's failure to adopt single-payer dampens momentum across the country (Health Leaders/KHN)
- DOJ Files Lawsuit to Block UnitedHealth, Change Healthcare Merger (RevCycle)
- Hospitals note a person's intellectual disability only 20% of the time, so they don't adjust their care (MedicalXpress)
- Rhode Island's largest health systems abandon merger after FTC sues to block union (Health Care Dive)
- AHA Statement on Department of Justice Decision on Proposed Unitedhealth Group Acquisition of Change Healthcare (AHA)
- HHS Awards Nearly $55 Million to Increase Virtual Health Care Access and Quality Through Community Health Centers (HHS)
- SC lawmakers considering repeal of Certificate of Need for new or expanding health care facilities (WSAV)
- Study: Precision Mapping of COVID-19 Vulnerable Locales by Epidemiological and Socioeconomic Risk Factors, Developed Using South Korean Data (MDPI)
- Physicians reported that prior authorization programs delayed necessary care access and lead to poor patient outcomes during COVID-19’s peak (HealthPayer)
- Study: 1 in 3 women with prenatal Medicaid lack coverage before or after pregnancy (FierceHealth)
- A blood test made up of RNA biomarkers can tailor medication choices to individual patients with mood disorders, leading to precision medicine treatments (HealthIT)
- Abstract: Precision medicine for mood disorders: objective assessment, risk prediction, pharmacogenomics, and repurposed drugs (Nature: Molecular Psychiatry)
- Families With Sick Kids on Medicaid Seek Easier Access to Out-of-State Hospitals (KHN)
- Operating margins will be negative for more hospitals compared to the pre-pandemic period even if vaccine rollout goes smoothly and COVID-19 hospitalizations drop (Health Payer)
- COVID-19 in 2021:Pressure Continues on Hospital Margins (Kaufman Hall for AHA)
- Hospitals and Health Systems Continue to Face Unprecedented Financial Challenges due to COVID-19 (AHA)
- Biden Seeks $400 Billion to Buttress Long-Term Care. A Look at What’s at Stake (KHN)
- Some health insurers ending waivers for Covid treatment fees (MSN)
- UVA Health to drop thousands of lawsuits against patients for unpaid bills (Beckers)
- Study Finds Health Care Disparities in Who Enrolls in Oncology Patient Portals (AJMC)
- Texas hospital system may require employees to get COVID jab (Mercury News)Trends in Use of Low-Value Care in Traditional Fee-for-Service Medicare and Medicare Advantage (JAMA Network)
- Real-world data at UT Southwestern showed that vaccinating healthcare workers led to a significant reduction of COVID-19 cases among employees (Health IT)
- The Cost of Transferring Dialysis Care From the Employer-Based Market to Medicare (JAMA Network)
- Why some rural enrollees in Medicare Advantage are switching to traditional Medicare (MedXpress)Hinge Health’s State of MSK Report 2021 found that although patient outcomes remained stagnant in the past decade, cost for musculoskeletal care doubled (AJMC)
- Using Health Information Exchange Data Boosts Quality Reporting (EHR Intelligence)MACPAC’s Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP offers Congress a number of timely recommendations (MEDPAC)
- FDA launches dashboard to track adverse events linked to COVID-19 products (Beckers)
- WTW survey: Few employers think COVID-19 vaccines should be mandatory for workers (Fierce Health)
- How the $1.9T COVID-19 Relief Package Impacts Medicaid, CHIP (HealthPayer)
- AstraZeneca’s EU Vaccine Woes Deepen on Clots (Bloomberg)
- Cigna: Some COVID-19 patients report lingering neurological, heart conditions post-recovery (Fierce Health)
- Hospital Emergency Rooms:
- Emergency Rooms Struggle With Overdose Spike During Pandemic (KUT/NPR)
- Children hospital and emegency room visits in decline (WSMV)
- Study shows high risk of anxiety, burnout in emergency department healthcare workers from COVID-19 (MedXpress)UMN research links early iron deficiency with long-term mental health impacts (Minnesota Daily)
- Researchers are using genomic data to explore precision medicine treatments for patients with prostate cancer (HealthIT)
- Opinion: 2020 devastated US mental health — healing must be a priority (Hill on MSN)
- COVID-19 Lowered Medicare Care Utilization (HealthPayer)
- Strong and sustainable primary healthcare is associated with a lower risk of hospitalization in high risk patients (Nature)
- Take-at-home tests boost colorectal cancer screening tenfold for health center serving minorities (Med Express)
- Oregon ASC Association argues against proposed bill to limit Mergers and Acquisitions (Beckers)New Hanover Regional Medical Center’s application to build a 66-bed facility in Scotts Hill North Carolina has been denied by the state (WECT)
- Many Uninsured Adults Have Not Tried to Enroll in Medicaid or Marketplace Coverage: Findings from the September 2020 Coronavirus Tracking Survey (RWJ)
- Payers that consolidate Medicare Advantage plans with lower star ratings into plans with higher star ratings deliver higher quality of care for enrollees who were previously in low-rated plans (HealthPayer)
- Healthcare, once a job-creating dynamo in the U.S. economy, has shed 542,000 jobs since February 2020; 30,000 in January 2021 (Health Leaders)
- EHR Vendor Athenahealth Pays $18M to Settle Kickback Allegations (Medpage)
- BMA (Better Medicare Alliance) study offers recommendations to improve Medicare Advantage beneficiary surveys (Fierce Health)
- 4 Vital Health Issues — Not Tied to Covid — That Congress Addressed in Massive Spending Bill (KHN)
- If this self-sufficient hospital cannot stand alone, can any public hospital survive? (Modern Healthcare)
- Rural hospital closures add at least 20 miles to patient travel, GAO says (Beckers)
- Rare Disease Healthcare Spending Tops Costly Chronic Diseases (HealthPayer)
- State-Level Managed Care Penetration in Medicaid and Rates of Preventive Care Visits for Children (Academic Pediatrics)
- Societal Experts Action Network (SEAN) Guidance and Strategies for Evacuation Planning and Sheltering During Covd (National Academies - PDF)
- FTC begins investigation of physician group mergers and orders insurers to share data (Healthcare Finance)
- Reforms are coming to Indiana's nursing home system. Here's what they mean for Hoosiers (MSN)
- Treating 'fetus as the patient' could reduce the incidence of pre-term labor and premature birth (News-Medical)
- Approved drug could make radiation therapy more effective for head, neck cancer: study (MedicalExpress)
- COVID effect: Less than 80 Hospital mergers in 2020 (HealthLeaders)
- Related: Mass General, Wentworth-Douglass end push for merger with Exeter Hospital (Union Leader)
- More healthy patients are taking genetic test results to their docs; But there are some pitfalls (Fierce Health)Global organizations look past pandemic to other health crises (Atlanta Business Journal)
- JPMorgan, Amazon, and Berkshire Hathaway’s Health-Care Venture Dies. Costs Remain a Problem (Barron’s)
- CMS Home Based Hospital Care Wavier Called “Enormous Step Forward” (HealthLeaders)
- UnitedHealth Group subsidiary indicted on antitrust charges (Fierce Health)
- FTC Loses Bid to Block Philadelphia Hospital Merger in Extraordinarily Busy Year of Hospital Merger Enforcement (National Law Review)
- In fight over drug discounts, HHS lawyer sides with hospitals (Med City News)
- New guidance from the American College of Cardiology provides a checklist for same-day discharge for elective percutaneous coronary interventions (Medscape)
- Hospital margins continue to fall amid rising expenses (Healthcare Finance)
- The thymus as key to healthy pregnancies (Eureka Alert)
- National Health Care Spending In 2019: Steady Growth For The Fourth Consecutive Year (Health Affairs)
- Study Findings: Despite greater social risk factors, Medicare Advantage beneficiaries receive more outpatient visits and more preventive screenings while seeing more appropriate use of prescription drugs and less unnecessary hospitalizations (BetterMedicareAlliance)
- Report: Building Better Care - The Role of Medicaid Managed Care in Long Term Services and Supports (AHIP)What Final Medicaid Value-Based Purchasing Rule Means for Payers (Health Payer)
- Seattle-based Virginia Mason merges with CHI Franciscan health system to operate 11 hospitals and nearly 300 care locations (Seattle Times)
- AHA reported that 89% of hospitals and health systems have experienced an increase in claim denials over the past 3 years, with 51% saying the increase has been “significant.” (RevCycle)
- Study: Non-Profit Health Plans Need a New Medicare Advantage Strategy as Share Losses Widen (Chartis Group)
- Report: Primary Care Spending: High Stakes, Low Investment (Primary Care Cooperative)
- Who Didn’t Get a Second Shingrix Shot? Implications for Multidose COVID-19 Vaccines (KFF)
- GAO Issues Report On Artificial Intelligence In Health Care (Insurance News)
- Report:Benefits and Challenges of Technologies to Augment Patient Care (GAO)
- Policy Brief: Closing the Health Insurance Gap: Two Options for Connecticut and the Challenge of Affordable Coverage for the Near Poor (Connecticut Health Foundation)
- One in Four Kids Seen at Urgent Care, Retail Clinics in 2019 — Pre-pandemic snapshot may change after telehealth ramp-up (Medpage Today)
- CMS will implement 21 new ICD-10 procedure codes for COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics; the agency also assigned MS-DRGs for 6 new ICD-10 diagnosis codes for conditions related to COVID-19 as of January 1, 2021 (RevCycle)
- Related: CMS Announces Comprehensive Strategy to Enhance Hospital Capacity Amid COVID-19 Surge (CMS)
- Characteristics of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Discharged and Experiencing Same-Hospital Readmission — United States, March–August 2020 (MMRW November 13, 2020 in PDF)
- Insurer Participation on the ACA Marketplaces, 2014-2021 (KFF)
- America's Essential Hospitals Issues Public Comment on Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Rule (Insurance Net)
- Study finds over 64% of people reported new health issues during 'work from home' (Eureka Alert)
- Medicare Advantage Enrollees Less Satisfied with End-of-Life Care (Hospice News)
- Justice Department: Medicare Advantage Provider to Pay $6.3 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations (Insurance News)
- What the New Rebate Rule Means for Medicare Part D Plans (Health Payer)
- Study: Association Between State Medicaid Expansion and Emergency Access to Acute Care Hospitals in the United States (JAMA Network)
- FTC sues to block Tenet's Memphis hospital deal with Methodist Le Bonheur (Health Care Dive)
- Massachusetts' Survey: Consumers Want Healthcare Price Information, But Few Realize It’s Available (Pioneer Institute)
- HHS Releases Final 2020-2025 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan (RevCycle)
- CMS set to bump MA rates for 2022 in win for payers (HealthCareDive)
- CMS Finalizes Price Transparency Rule with Self-Service Tool (Health Payer)
- Medicare and Home Health: Taking Stock in the COVID-19 Era (The Commonwealth Fund)
- Providers seek extension of 2% Medicare sequester cut relief through 2021 (McKnights)
- Editorial: A Brief Window to Rethink Emergency Care (JAMANetwork)
- Related:Characteristics of Frequent Users of Three Hospital Emergency Departments (AHRQ)
- Pew Calls for Additional Health IT Safety Measures in Hospital Accreditations (PEW)
- Patient-initiated messages made up the majority of physician EHR inbox messages (EHR Intelligence)
- Investing in health literacy could save billions (Fierce Health)
- Redistribution of Federal Funding Across States Due to the Financing of Medicaid and CHIP [PDF] (Urban Institute)
- Key Considerations for Permanently Integrating Telehealth Coverage (HealthPayer)
- Study: Genetic data can help predict IBD risk (UPI)
- Medicare has new tool to compare nursing homes, costs, hospitals. How good is it? (Miami Herald)
- As the Pandemic Struck, a Private-Equity Firm Went on a Nursing-Home Buying Spree (Barron’s)
- Telemedicine use in the ER can yield positive results for patients and providers (Medical Net)
- Proactivity and partnership pay off for nursing homes in a pandemic, study suggests (EurekaAlert!)
- Predictive Analytics Models Forecast Prevalence of Flu Strains (IT Analytics)
- Rescue service piloting program to help with substance use, mental health crises (Herald Mail)
- Hospital Readmission Rates Following Outpatient Versus Inpatient Shoulder Arthroplasty (Healio)
- Program to improve outcomes for geriatric surgery patients shows promise (Medical Express)
- Related: New program results in shorter hospital stays, reduces post-surgery delirium in older adults (MedicalNet)
- 100 things to know about ASCs | 2020 (Beckers)
- Penn Med, PHMC lead coalition to save Mercy Philadelphia Hospital (WHYY.org)
- GAO report finds brokers offered false info on coverage for pre-existing conditions (The Hill)
- ED, Inpatient Volumes Stuck Despite Some Hospital Visit Recovery (RevCycle)
- Transportation barriers to care may increase likelihood of emergency surgical intervention (Eureka!)
- MedPAC supports changes to the development of Medicare Advantage plan payment benchmarks (Fierce Health)
- Program to improve outcomes for geriatric surgery patients shows promise in a hospital setting (FACS)
- Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine (National Academies Press 2020)
- CMS'S Proposed Phase-Out of the Inpatient Only List is not Entirely Welcome News (National Law Review)
- Ransomware hack cripples Universal Health Services hospitals, facilities across the US (MSN)Related: Someone died because of ransomware: Time to give hospitals emergency security care (The Hill, Opinion)
- Private Payers Outpace Public Insurance in Value-Based Care Push (RevCycle)
- 2020 Scorecard on State Health System Performance (Commonwealth Fund)
- Cost, Health Literacy Cause for Concern Ahead of Medicare Open Enrollment (Health Payer)
- Census Bureau: Income, Poverty & Health Insurance Coverage in U.S.(Insurance Net)
- Op-Ed: Big data analytics in healthcare is all about ethics (Digital Journal)
- How Has Data Misuse Hurt COVID-19 Efforts? (Medscape)
- Partnering organizations are seeking to improve a provider’s ability to predict tumor response, leading to precision medicine in head and neck cancer care (IT Analytics)
- 66% of healthcare data breaches caused by hackers, HHS data shows (Beckers)
- 6 more health systems identified in Blackbaud security breach, bringing total to 27 (Beckers)
- Minnesota's second-largest health care data breach hits Children's, Allina (Star Tribune)The healthcare challenge: Protecting patient data privacy during a global pandemic (ITPro)
- Study finds disparities in receipt of home health care after hospital discharge (News-Medical Net)
- Cleveland Clinic, Aetna launch co-branded insurance plan, expand members’ access to second opinions and cardiac care (Cleveland.com)
- Even with Relief Packages,Hospital Operating Margins Still Down Since Start of 2020 (HealthLeaders)
- Many COVID-19 cost-sharing waivers set to expire by October (HealthCare)
- Brief:Cost-Sharing Waivers and Premium Relief by Private Plans in Response to COVID-19 (Peterson-KFF)
- HCA the largest U.S. hospital owner accused in lawsuit of endangering staff during coronavirus pandemic (CNBC)
- Data Reveals Disparities in COVID-19 Hospitalization Rates (HealthIT)Primary care physicians paid global capitation payments hit key quality metrics at higher rates that those paid via fee-for-service, according to UnitedHealth Group (RevCycle)
- Sentara Healthcare, Cone Health Announce Value-Based Care Merger (HealthPayer)
- Consolidation Of Providers Into Health Systems Increased Substantially, 2016–18 (HealthAffairs)
- As the Pandemic Struck, a Private-Equity Firm Went on a Nursing-Home Buying Spree (Barron’s)
- 340B Hospitals Lose Court Challenge to OPPS Rate Cut (AAMC)
- A routine ECG enhanced by artificial intelligence is better at identifying heart failure than a standard blood test (Health Analytics)
- Government [Feds] moves to block Geisinger’s partial acquisition of Lewisburg-area hospital (PennLive)
- OIG: Mediare Overpaid Hospitals $267M for Post-Acute care Transfers to Home Health (Health Leaders)
- Emergency Department visits plunged as COVID-19 cases climbed, Yale study finds (Eureka!)
- CMS finalized 2021 Medicare payment rates for inpatient psychiatric facilities and hospices in addition to the $750M boost in skilled nursing facility reimbursement (RevCycle)
- Psychiatric visits to the emergency room rise despite the ACA (MedExpress)Study Using TriNetX Real-World Data Finds Cancer Screenings Fell 89% During COVID-19 (Newswire)
- HHS Extends Public Health Emergency (Revcycle)
- Early Impact Of CMS Expansion Of Medicare Telehealth During COVID-19 (Health Affairs)
- An Early Look at 2021 Premium Changes on ACA Exchanges and the Impact of COVID-19 on Rates (KFF)
- UVA pioneers study of genetic diseases with quantum computers (Newswise)
- Half of Hospitals to Operate in the Red By Year’s End (FierceHealth)
- Study identifies patient- and hospital-level risk factors for death in critically ill COVID-19 patients (MedicalExpress)
- Data Reveals Chronic Disease Burden Among Individuals with HIV (HealthAnalytics)
- Association Between Federal Value-Based Incentive Programs and Health Care–Associated Infection Rates in Safety-Net and Non–Safety-Net Hospitals (JAMA Network)
- Hospitalization for acute heart failure: the in-hospital care pathway predicts one-year readmission (Nature/Scientific Reports)
- Cost of preventable adult hospital stays topped $33 billion in 2017 (The Hospitalist)
- HCUP Statistical Brief #59, June 2020: Characteristics and Costs of Potentially Preventable Inpatient Stays, 2017 (HCUP)
- Preterm Birth Ups Mom's Long-Term Heart Disease Risk: Study (US News/Health Day)
- AHA urges CMS to keep relaxed regulations beyond crisis (HealthDive)
- Prior Authorization Burden Continues to Rise, Physicians Report (RevCycle)
- An Early Look at the Potential Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Insurance Coverage (Commonwealth Fund)Telehealth May Help Payers Control Uncertain Healthcare Spending (HealthPayer)
- Priority Health and Cigna (NYSE: CI) today announced they have formed a Strategic Alliance (Cigna)
- Related: Highmark Inc. and HealthNow New York Inc. Announce Affiliation Agreement (Highmark)
- Mercy Hospital Owners Exploring Options To ‘Transition Campus’ In Order To Keep Hospital Viable (MSN/CBS Philly)
- Related: City notified about potential closing of West Philly Mercy Hospital’s inpatient facility (WHYY)Psychiatric hospital rejected 3 years ago still wants to add Portland-area inpatient beds. Deep in ‘crisis,’ Unity says there’s no need. (OregonLive)
- NJ Legislators Call on [Govenor] Murphy to Intervene in Effort to Save Local Hospitals (Tapinot Bayonne)
- New model may help predict stroke risk in adults with migraine and aura (Newsroom)
- One in five operations may lead to surprise bills, even when surgeon and hospital are in-network (MedExpress)
- Kentucky Hospital Association asks to join lawsuit defending certificate of need law (Beckers)
- Study:Hospital Use Declines After Implementation Of Virginia Medicaid’s Addiction And Recovery Treatment Services (Health Affairs)
- National identifier not a 'panacea' for patient-matching, experts say (ModernHealthcare)
- Rural Health Disparities Linked to Socioeconomic Status, Care Access (Health Analytics)
- When Site-Of-Service Policy And Payment Reforms Converge: The Case Of Joint Replacement Surgery (Health Affairs)
- Why the New U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate Is Important (USNews)
- NEJM: transcatheter aortic valve replacement shows similar safety outcomes as open-heart surgery (EurekaAlert)
- Preeminent Hospitals Penalized Over Rates Of Patients’ Injuries (KaiserHealthNews)
- Study finds association between therapy time, length of stay after hip fracture surgery (MedExpress)
- Colorado Healthcare Costs Keep Climbing Due to Hospital Cost-Shifting (RevCycle)
- Maryland Hospital Association Issues Comment on Medicare Program: Modernizing, Clarifying Physician Self-Referral Regulations (Insurance Net)
- Forced rate disclosure goes too far, insurers and hospitals argue (Modern Healthcare)
- Commentary: Nursing homes grapple with sick residents, insufficient budgets (TimesUnion)
- Preventable hospital death estimates are too high, study finds (Beckers)
- Florida Hospital Association launches price transparency initiative (FloridaPolitics)
- Details Sparse on [Governor] Murphy’s Office of Health Care Affordability and Transparency (NJ Spotlight)
- Rising inpatient acuity may not mean patients are sicker, Mass. commission finds (ModernHealthcare)
- Patients Want A 'Good Death' At Home, But Hospice Care Can Badly Strain Families (KHN)
- Epic Systems, a major medical records vendor, is warning customers it will stop working with Google Cloud (CNBC)
- [West Virginia]House debates Certificate of Need bill (Weirton Daily)
- The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) is recommending that NIH dramatically revise its data sharing and management proposal to maximize the value of scientific data (HealthIT)
- EHR Data, Claims Data Can Successfully Predict Hospitalizations (RevCycle)
- Florida Legislature eyes more certificate of need' changes for care facilities (Tampa Business Journal)
- Proposed certificate of need' changes questioned at Michigan Senate panel hearing (Crains)Payer mix, patient volumes contributed to Astria Regional's financial issues (Yakima Herald)
- Opt-In Consent Policies: Potential Barriers to Hospital Health Information Exchange (AJMC)
- Minnesota law gives green light to safety surveillance cameras in senior homes (Star Tribune)To Stop Now Would Be Foolish': Doubling Down On Services For High-Cost Patients (NPR)
- AHA, AAMC Sue HHS Again Over Outpatient Site-Neutral Payments (RevCycle)
- The 2010s have proved to be an important decade for healthcare innovation and reforms. Here are the top trends that defined the time readmissions, mortality (Healio)
- Here’s how ‘Medicare for All’ would affect every part of the $3.5 trillion US healthcare system (Business Insider)
- Opinion: What will happen to doctors and hospitals under Medicare-for-all? It's complicated (The Week).
- Rural Hospitals Say ‘Medicare For All’ Would End Up “Closing Our Doors” (WBUR)
- Hospitals Stand to Lose Billions Under ‘Medicare for All’ (NYT)
- Opinion: The risks of ‘Medicare for all’ (Boston Globe)
- Opinion:It’s time for Democrats to get their facts right on Medicare-for-all (Washington Post)
Health Reform/Medicare for All